
Friday, 21 August 2020

Wednesday, 19 August 2020


Zebrafish has a cell that is shape as a cone and what i aslo know is that zebrafish can grow fast in a few days whenthey grow eggs . Zebrafish is also a tropcial  native to thesotheast Asia  and  zebrafish have  three wigs and havebig tails . 

The zebrafish is about 2.5cm to 4cm its larval stages it is transparents and as it matures to an adult it devople strips that run alongs the length of the body and look blue in colour .Zebrafish Have cells but different type of cell but zebrafish lays eggs and after 1000 cells . 
How the diminutive zebrafish is having a big impact on medical ...

My Lockdown Daily Reflection 2020

Today i have been doing my daily lockdown reflection it was all about my school hangout hopw you enjoy Stay Safe 

Blog Commenting 2020

Today  i have been doing  some blog commeting and this is the first 4 people i have done so far and i am still Continuing with my blog commeting . 

Lockdown Flowchart 2020

Today I have been  workingon my lockdown flowchart and there are some information about it hoped you enjoy and stay safe .  

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

NZ Maths Middle -Monday .

On Monday I had been given a Maths Quiz from my teacher Mrs Tofa i have been working on and then by the time i got it i pass because i have not been in a rushed  i have been taking my time so that i can stay foces   and then i pass then this made my day . 

Monday, 3 August 2020

The Big Bang Threoy

This is my Work About The Big Bang Theroy Hope you Enjoy

Charles Darwin

Today I have been Working  on  Charles Darwin I did some facts about him so
