
Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Trip to Welligton


This is my Thank you Letter to \The minister of Defends Name Peeni Henare 

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

What I learnt about Islam from Mrs Ayub

What I learnt from Mrs Ayub lesson . What I learnt from her lesson is that she cast the Youtube video and the video siad something about the word god  and that is there propeht and what i also know is that when Mrs Ayub prays she stands on and she put her hand like someone is giving her something and she grap her phone out and she scans the thing and they put there praying mat and they pray 5 a day but Mrs Ayub only pray 4 a day becuase not in the Morning she said in the futrue she is going to try and pray in the morning 

By: Kalolaine  

Eating more Vegtables and fruit


Today I have been working on my Poster and there is some facts about my topic

Monday, 2 November 2020


Today I have been working with a teacher named Mrs Pome'e and she helped me with my maths work