
Thursday, 2 August 2018

Super Duper

On Tuesday  Glenbrae school  we down to the hall and we saw the show call Super Duper book week 2018.

Glenbrae school was at the hall already for the show of the Super Duper I was so happy that the boy name was blaze and the girl name twas but i forgot what her  name and when they start the show  they first start with are song and it was fun and cool .

What happen was that how they sing are song with it called super hero . And the lady said that she was going to dress up as William mum . and blaze was going to are super hero .

when the start to play we listen to then and when it was the time it was funny because how blaze said that he want to change his name and then when Mathew puts his hand up he said call you Captain Boxes 

By Kalo 


  1. Good job kalo but make sure you re write your paragraph before you post and use a capital I next time.

  2. Okay Lesieli i will use that


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